Florence has many unique opportunities available for sponsorship. This is merely a sample - we have
201 sponsorships available in total.
Below are the top 10 sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Corporate Sponsor Donation Form – #WEAREKFB keepflorencebeautiful.org/corporate-sponsorships/corporate-sponsor-donation-form/ |
102 | |
Corporate Sponsorships – #WEAREKFB keepflorencebeautiful.org/corporate-sponsorships/ |
92 | |
Sponsors – Florence Greek Festival www.florencegreekfestival.com/sponsors/ |
76.5 | |
Community Partners - United Way of Florence County, SC www.uwflorence.org/initiatives/partners/ |
68 | |
Hurricane Florence Grants | Foundation For The Carolinas www.fftc.org/hurricaneflorencegrants |
58.5 | |
Myrtle Beach Jazz Festival: Hurricane Florence Update myrtlebeachjazzfest.com/myrtle-beach-jazz-festival-hurricane-florence/ |
58 | |
Florence CEO - Request Sponsorship Information florencescceo.com/sponsor/ |
57.5 | |
Grant from UMCOR, Duke Endowment backs Hurricane Florence recovery in S.C. - The South Carolina United Methodist Conference www.umcsc.org/grant-from-umcor-duke-endowment-backs-hurricane-florence-recovery-in-s-c/ |
54.5 | |
Flavor Run 5k Color Run Florence South Carolina Official Page - Local 5k Running Event - The most delicious color run 5k in the world flavorrun.com/locations/florence.html |
53.5 | |
Our Partners -United Real Estate Florence www.unitedrealestateflorence.com/ourpartners.htm |
53 |
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