Cape Girardeau-Sikeston-Jackson has many unique opportunities available for sponsorship. This is merely a sample - we have
127 sponsorships available in total.
Below are the top 10 sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Cape Arts Council - Our Sponsors www.capearts.org/Our Sponsors.aspx |
71 | |
Photo gallery: Air Festival Sponsor/Performer Banquet (6/19/10) | Southeast Missourian newspaper, Cape Girardeau, MO www.semissourian.com/gallery/5792 |
69.5 | |
2018 Fishing Rodeo Sponsors – Cape Girardeau FOP Lodge 51 capefop51.com/2018-fishing-rodeo-sponsors/ |
68 | |
Sign-On, Student Loan & Visa Sponsorship with Thriving Anesthesiology Practice (Sikeston) in Sikeston, MO www.capegirardeau.jobs/jobs/enterprise-medical-services/sign-on-student-loan-visa-sponsorship-wi/1557839075431954535 |
65 | |
PMR-Sign-On, Relocation and Visa Sponsorship in Cape Girardeau, MO www.world.jobs/jobs/enterprise-medical-services/pmr-sign-on-relocation-and-visa-sponsors/1554198578935820387 |
63.5 | |
2017-2018 Corporate Sponsors - Fayetteville Symphony : Fayetteville Symphony www.fayettevillesymphony.org/2017-2018-corporate-sponsors/ |
63 | |
Sponsors arthritisgcc.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2019JADaySafariPlaylandCapeGirardeauMO/Sponsors/tabid/1028564/Default.aspx |
62 | |
Sport Clips Haircuts of Cape Girardeau Racing Sponsor haircutmencapegirardeaumo.com/promotions-partnerships/sport-clips-racing |
62 | |
Our local Sponsors – Cape Girardeau Police Explorers Post 4230 cgpdexplorers.com/our-local-sponsors/ |
61.5 | |
Cape Arts Council - 2018RegionalShow www.capearts.org/2018RegionalShow.aspx |
61 |
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