Gainesville has many unique opportunities available for sponsorship. This is merely a sample - we have
837 sponsorships available in total.
Below are the top 10 sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Corporate Sponsorships | The Junior League of Gainesville-Hall County www.gainesvillehalljuniorleague.org/support/corporate-sponsorships/ |
87 | |
Sponsors | FPRA Gainesville www.fpragainesville.com/sponsors/ |
59 | |
Polk Perspective: Polk State thanks community for successful session - Opinion - Gainesville Sun - Gainesville, FL www.gainesville.com/opinion/20190704/polk-perspective-polk-state-thanks-community-for-successful-session |
57.5 | |
Operation Catnip | Spay-Neuter for Community Cats ocgainesville.org |
52.5 | |
Charity Request | Carriage Nissan Dealership in Gainesville, GA www.carriagenissan.com/charity-request/ |
52 | |
Miss Manners: Business partner's view of thank-you notes is just plain bad politics - Entertainment & Life - Gainesville Sun - Gainesville, FL www.gainesville.com/entertainmentlife/20190306/miss-manners-business-partners-view-of-thank-you-notes-is-just-plain-bad-politics |
51.5 | |
Skaggs: Thank a Master Gardener - Gainesville Times www.gainesvilletimes.com/columnists/skaggs-thank-a-master-gardener/ |
50.5 | |
Letters to the editor for May 18, 2019 - Opinion - Gainesville Sun - Gainesville, FL www.gainesville.com/opinion/20190518/letters-to-editor-for-may-18-2019 |
49.5 | |
Pets of the Week: June 24 2019 - Gainesville Times www.gainesvilletimes.com/life/pets-week-June-6-24-2019/ |
49 | |
Carriage Kia | Kia Dealership Serving Gainesville GA www.carriagekia.com/about-us/reviews/ |
47 |
What is ZipSprout?
ZipSprout is a local SEO agency focused on building relationships between local grassroots organizations and businesses. We work with national, regional, and local businesses seeking local SERP visibility, nonprofit partnerships and/or event marketing in Atlanta. Solutions range from enterprise services, to a DIY tool for smaller campaigns. Learn more about how ZipSprout works here.
We believe that mission matters, and that grassroots local connections provide more long-term value than ad networks. Learn more about how ZipSprout can help you connect: