Home of the oldest bowling alley in the US and the iconic series "Happy Days," the Cream City is certainly a chamber of America's Heartland. But like most U.S. cities, Milwaukee's residents keep reminders of their foreign-born ancestors.
Across Lake Michigan from the iconically Irish Chicago, Milwaukee boasts its own stronghold of immigrant families. While many residents are descendents of 19th Century Germans, there are also enough residents of Italian descent to hold the nation's largest Italian American Festival, Festa Italiana, each summer.
Across Lake Michigan from the iconically Irish Chicago, Milwaukee boasts its own stronghold of immigrant families. While many residents are descendents of 19th Century Germans, there are also enough residents of Italian descent to hold the nation's largest Italian American Festival, Festa Italiana, each summer.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors! www.piaw.org/index.php/39-winter-get-away/199-thank-you-to-our-generous-sponsors |
81.5 | |
Community Partners — First United Methodist Church fumcwaukesha.org/community-partners |
76 | |
Milwaukee Tech Hub-Corporate Partners — STEM Forward www.stemforward.org/milwaukee-tech-hubcorporate-partners |
72 | |
Sponsorship | Milwaukee Irish Fest irishfest.com/Sponsor.htm |
70 | |
Milwaukee Rendezvous Show Sponsorship Opportunity 2008 superpogs.users4.50megs.com/Rendezvous/Sponsors2008.htm |
69 | |
Our Sponsors www.tempomilwaukee.org/our-sponsors |
68 | |
Milwaukee Coalition For Children's Mental Health : Who We Are : Members and Community Partners www.mkekids.org/who-we-are/members.html |
67.5 | |
Sponsors/Partners – Waukesha Reads waukeshareads.org/sponsorspartners/ |
66 | |
Milwaukee Holiday Lights Festival | Milwaukee Downtown www.milwaukeedowntown.com/bid-events/milwaukee-holiday-lights-festival |
66 | |
Sponsors and In Kind Donors for Milwaukee Empty Bowls - Milwaukee Empty Bowls www.milwaukeeemptybowls.org/sponsors.html |
65 |
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