Sioux City has many unique opportunities available for sponsorship. This is merely a sample - we have
75 sponsorships available in total.
Below are the top 10 sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Sponsors – RAGBRAI® Sioux City ragbraisiouxcity.com/category/sponsors/ |
75 | |
Funded Community Partners | United Way of Siouxland www.unitedwaysiouxland.com/funded-community-partners |
71 | |
Sioux City RAGBRAI® Major Sponsors Announced – RAGBRAI® Sioux City ragbraisiouxcity.com/sioux-city-ragbrai-major-sponsors-announced/ |
67.5 | |
Sponsorship Opportunities | The Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce www.siouxfallschamber.com/sponsorships.cfm |
67.5 | |
2018 Pride Sponsors | Sioux Falls Pride www.siouxfallspride.org/pride-sponsors/ |
65 | |
Women's Expo Sponsorship Form - Sioux Center Chamber - Sioux Center IA www.siouxcenterchamber.com/womens-expo-sponsorship-form.html |
62 | |
Focus Siouxland | Activities focus-siouxland.org/activities.aspx |
61.5 | |
Sponsors & Vendors | Siouxland SHRM siouxland.shrm.org/sponsors-vendors |
61 | |
Sioux Falls Jaycees :: 4TH OF JULY www.siouxfallsjaycees.org/projects/4th-july/ |
59.5 | |
Business Partnerships www.siouxcityartcenter.org/business-partners |
58.5 |
What is ZipSprout?
ZipSprout is a local SEO agency focused on building relationships between local grassroots organizations and businesses. We work with national, regional, and local businesses seeking local SERP visibility, nonprofit partnerships and/or event marketing in Atlanta. Solutions range from enterprise services, to a DIY tool for smaller campaigns. Learn more about how ZipSprout works here.
We believe that mission matters, and that grassroots local connections provide more long-term value than ad networks. Learn more about how ZipSprout can help you connect: