Tyler has many unique opportunities available for sponsorship. This is merely a sample - we have
85 sponsorships available in total.
Below are the top 10 sponsorship opportunities available.
Sponsorship | Score | Social Media Detected |
Thank you to our generous donors! www.tylerisd.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=37&ModuleInstanceID=26326&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=11137&PageID=67 |
111.5 | |
Our Sponsors & Community Partners – - Leadership Tyler leadershiptyler.org/donate/our-sponsors/ |
86 | |
Be a Sponsor | Be a Sponsor | Tyler Junior College www.tjc.edu/info/20073/foundation_golf_tournament/145/be_a_sponsor |
84 | |
Partnership Program / Tyler ISD Partnership Program www.tylerisd.org/domain/69 |
63 | |
A Huge Thank You to our Sponsors! | Brook Hill School | Tyler, TX www.brookhill.org/get-your-tickets-for-brook-hills-neighborhood-bash/ |
62.5 | |
Tim Tebow | Grace Community School | Tyler TX www.gracetyler.org/tebow/ |
62.5 | |
Support | Grace Community School | Tyler TX www.gracetyler.org/support/ |
62.5 | |
Office of Sponsored Research | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler www.uthct.edu/office-of-sponsored-research |
60.5 | |
Homecoming Sponsorships www.uttyler.edu/advancement/homecoming-sponsors.php |
58.5 | |
Project Reach sponsors back to school summit in Tyler www.kltv.com/clip/14556377/project-reach-sponsors-back-to-school-summit-in-tyler/ |
58 |
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ZipSprout is a local SEO agency focused on building relationships between local grassroots organizations and businesses. We work with national, regional, and local businesses seeking local SERP visibility, nonprofit partnerships and/or event marketing in Atlanta. Solutions range from enterprise services, to a DIY tool for smaller campaigns. Learn more about how ZipSprout works here.
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